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It’s sometimes claimed that renewable energy would be markedly more expensive and that this would cost jobs. First of all, recent fossil fuel price rises mean it’s now likely that energy from renewable sources would if anything be less expensive than what we are paying now. And certainly much more stable in price. But insofar as renewable energy is more expensive than burning up gas and oil, it’s because workers are needed to install and maintain the equipment. Meaning jobs here rather than building glittering towers by the Gulf paid for by you whenever you fill your car or turn on your heating.

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One thought on “Green Energy and Jobs

  1. Since we have become aware of the adverse impact of burning fossil fuels, it is doubtful if they have been the cheapest form of energy generation. It is just that all the damage they caused in the past present and future have just been left out of the equation! Now without even taking this into consideration they are no longer the cheapest and on-shore wind power is the cheapest renewable. The other side of the equation is energy conservation maybe even cheaper, because they save the need to generate and pay for so much electricity in the first place. Local councils soon discovered this, because new energy efficient street lights paid for themselves in three years! A no brainer! Loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and solar panels take a little longer to pay themselves, but every time the price of fossils fuels go up, the quicker you save on the investment. The simple and cheapest ways to improve energy efficiency are loft and cavity wall insulation. In Swansea 24,000 homes need the former and 28,000 the later. A cheap way and efficient way to immediately reduce CO2 emissions, save people money and help address fuel poverty all at the same time! Swansea Council already has a policy to this effect for the houses stock they own. Most of the most energy inefficient homes, mainly older properties are in the private rented/owner occupier sectors. A strategy to address this problem would create lots of green jobs locally, but is being strongly resisted by the UK government.

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